

Posts in Spiritual Life
Guest Post At Propel Women: Wisdom for Measuring Our Worth

Recently, while speaking at a large women’s conference made up of leaders from 49 states and five countries, I experienced an awkward range of emotions. I felt humbled to have the privilege and opportunity to influence and address leaders composed of women from all walks of life, representing different churches from all around the country. I felt hope for the future as I thought of women discipling and investing into other women and living surrendered to our King, and I felt deep joy seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I also felt out of placeinadequate, and insecure

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Seek First IF:Equip Study

A dream come true. I told my husband, Darrin, “I think I can die now. This is the most significant contribution I could make in the area of discipleship.”

For over three decades I've taught a bible study I learned while a student at the University of Colorado on the basics of faith based out of 1 John. An actual TYPEWRITER was used to first capture these truths.

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On Having a Multi-ethnic/Multi-racial Identity

**GUEST WRITER! Today’s post is written by my oldest son, Jonathan. He graduated last year from Cornell and originally wrote this post over on Facebook. I’ve since shared his thoughts with many who identify as mixed race. I hope his experiences and words help you better understand the changing landscape of our country as it relates to the growing multi-ethnic population. Feel free to leave him your thoughts in the comment section and share his post if you find it helpful.**

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Inquire of God

My personal Bible reading has me currently camped out in 1 Chronicles. The first nine chapters cover a whole bunch of names. Beginning with Adam and chronicling (what a fitting name!!) thousands of years to Israel’s return from captivity, Ezra names the names of fathers and sons, and occasional daughters (as a woman, my eyes widen whenever women are highlighted in the Scriptures).

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A Holy Calling #shereadstruth

**Dusting off my neglected website and starting a new 3x a week posting plan. 

Mondays will be a sampling of posts I’ve written for #shereadstruth. 

Wednesdays will be short devotionals on what I’m currently reading during my personal Bible study 

Fridays will highlight Asian American focused themes with a sprinkling of other helpful information related to racial reconciliation and occasional guest writers

Please share liberally if what you read here is helpful**

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