Hello! I'm back! The last several months I've been in total book writing cave lock down mode. Darrin bought me a reindeer fuzzy hat from Daiso (a Japanese version of the Dollar Store but INFINITELY better). I wore the hat and my WaterBrook blue MAC lipstick most days. Actually the real name of the lipstick color is Blue Bang! With the exclamation point! After standing in line for over an hour on #nationallipstickday all that remained was blue. Ever the eternal optimist I decided on the spot the lipstick would become my power writing color. Guess it worked!
Read MoreI picked up a crumpled foil gum wrapper by the staircase. Three steps up I found another one. And then another. At the top of the stairs I found a few more. Curiosity piqued, I turned the corner to peer into my son’s room. Under a maroon-colored blanket I saw the shape of a preschooler. In front of the mound of blanket-covered-preschooler, I found a pile of gum wrappers. I walked up to the mound.
“Michael? Are you under the blanket?”
The shape shook his head.
“Michael? Are you chewing gum?”
Read More“What? Are you kidding me?!”
I blinked back tears. No discussion. The decision set. We were moving.
In utter disbelief, I learned we were not just relocating to another part of town or even another state. Right before my senior year of high school, after living seventeen years in Boulder, Colorado, my family planned to resettle clear across the ocean—inHong Kong.
My parents dragged me by the ankles, kicking and screaming. Scratch marks from my nails could be seen in Boulder and Hong Kong, and all 7,542 miles in between. Had I known then what hard-won wisdom and perspective have taught me over the years, I might’ve saved myself a manicure and great deal of heartache.
Read More**GUEST WRITER! Today’s post is written by my oldest son, Jonathan. He graduated last year from Cornell and originally wrote this post over on Facebook. I’ve since shared his thoughts with many who identify as mixed race. I hope his experiences and words help you better understand the changing landscape of our country as it relates to the growing multi-ethnic population. Feel free to leave him your thoughts in the comment section and share his post if you find it helpful.**
Read MoreMy personal Bible reading has me currently camped out in 1 Chronicles. The first nine chapters cover a whole bunch of names. Beginning with Adam and chronicling (what a fitting name!!) thousands of years to Israel’s return from captivity, Ezra names the names of fathers and sons, and occasional daughters (as a woman, my eyes widen whenever women are highlighted in the Scriptures).
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