Gearing Up for Fall
Hello again. I’m back.
Three months. No blog posts. Actually, I wrote some great posts in my mind. They just never transferred from thought to actual words on page. All sorts of things fly around in my little brain each and every day. Entire conversations take place in my mind with “invisible Darrin.” (Darrin is my wise and wonderful husband of 23 years. He is not very fond of invisible Darrin). Invisible Darrin and I work through problems and reach all sorts of agreements the real Darrin learns of later. Lots of “Whaddya mean? I thought we talked about this already.” “Uh. No, Viv. You talked it through with invisible Darrin. Not me.” note: this method of conversing with an invisible spouse is extremely inefficient.
A lot of terrific happenings occurred these past three months:
- My first Susan G. Komen, Orange County speaking event:
Honor Roll and VIP reception for team leaders for the Race for the Cure
We spent a month living in the University of Hawaii dorms helping train and equip these wonderful staff and student leaders:
“Having thus a fond affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us.”(1 Thessalonians 2:8)
We helped with our church’s annual Kid’s Fun Club and Mom’s Fun Club
Some fun events happening this fall:
- After a five year detour, you know– battling cancer, writing and releasing a book and stuff, I have returned to Talbot Theological Seminary to work on my Masters Degree in Bible Exposition. This fall I’m taking Hermeneutics (how to interpret, understand and apply the Bible). First on the agenda: learn to spell Hermeneutics correctly.
- I have joined the Epic National Field Ministry team directed by the wise and wonderful real Darrin. Epic is the Asian American ministry of Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ)
- I was interviewed by Worldwide Challenge, Cru’s magazine for the September/October issue on “Suffering Together”:
- I’ll be giving the message at our home church, Crossroads Community Churchon Sept 14th at 10 a.m. Join us if you’re in the area!
- Excited to speak at the Texas Epic Fall Conference at the end of the month! And a couple women’s retreats in October and November. I’m writing my first article for Today’s Christian Woman and participating in a Webinar with Elisa Morgan and Fulfill Magazine.
- Several friends will be hosting Warrior In Pink book giveaways on their blogs in the coming weeks in light of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I’ll be sure to connect you to those sites.
So, what’s been happening in your corner of the world?