Use Whatcha Got: Week 28–Travel Light
Packing. Packing. Went to the grocery store with the two younger kids and loaded up with waaaay too much road trip sugar! Headed out to Fort Collins, Colorado for our bi-annual Cru staff conference. Michael has his permit so I’m excited to sit in the passenger seat and knit and snack while he drives most of the 1100 miles! It’s a new day!
Well, I’m happy to report I’m still holding strong with Use Whatcha Got after the hiccup back in April (by the way, I wear the black skirt ALL. OF. THE. TIME.). Packing for this trip has been a breeze. I usually pack waaaay too much, but this time I managed to fit a week’s worth of clothes in half my medium size suitcase, leaving the other half open for my other half, Darrin. As I sorted through my clothes and thought through the different events I would be attending, I was struck with this thought, “When and how did I pick up the notion that I should wear an entirely different outfit everyday?” Followed by, “I don’t mind wearing the same outfit (yes, the black skirt) multiple times and I don’t mind if anyone notices.” And ended with, “I’m still so glad I got the black skirt and those awesome shoes from Melissa.” I thought I would struggle with the “I don’t have anything to wear” packing syndrome, but Use Whatcha Got has been slowly shifting my heart attitude to one of enjoying what I have.
I still have waaaay more than I will ever use up in my lifetime, so I like not adding to the excess. And of course I also realize if I used an iron and/or lost 15 pounds I would instantly add a third of my closet back! The moments when my eyes are clear and my heart is grateful for all of the blessing in our lives helps me want to do what I can to travel light. Sometimes all the excess stuff bogs us down. Reminds me of a favorite verse:
“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus the Author and Perfecter of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Excess stuff can become an encumbrance for me. I want to travel light in more ways than one.
How has UWG been going for you??