Use Whatcha Got Week 44: Whatcha Huh?
I’m neck deep in the editing process for “Warrior In Pink.” Which, by the way, is available for preorder on Amazon right now at 33% off! So I may be sparse in the blog post department for the next several weeks. For those of you who are still tracking 44 weeks into Use Whatcha Got, (my attempt at not buying clothes, shoes and accessories for the 2013 calendar year), this post is a quick update.
My sister, Claire, came in town from Boulder, Colorado to stay with the kids while Darrin and I traveled halfway across the Pacific Ocean earlier this month to the island of rainbows and plumeria scented air. This was the view out our hotel window one morning.
Actually it turned out to be a very full week with zero time for sunset strolls along the beach. I prepped to give five talks in six days, Darrin met with all of the staff at the University of Hawaii and had conference calls and coordinated phone appointments with sometimes a six hour time difference. We were going day and night, but loved seeing friends, meeting wonderful new friends, eating and then eating some more.
Meanwhile, back over here Claire jumped headfirst into the role of soccer mom, campaign manager for Julia’s run at school Vice President, cook, chauffeur, dog-walker (or more accurately, hold-on-to-leash-with-all-your-might-as-75-pound-German-Shepherd-pulls-your-body-along-like-a-sled). The woman is deserving of multiple medals.
Claire had already returned to Boulder by the time we stepped off our plane. Darrin and I were exhausted. After unpacking, loads and loads of laundry, vacuuming up four canisters of dog hair, I decided to explore more closely the items that filled the shelves and drawers in our fridge.
This is a sampling of what I found:
Everything I pulled out evoked head scratching and multiple “Huh’s?” Fresh fennel, celery root, shallots, parsnips, jicama, strange squashes and gourds. Over the phone Claire tried to explain a recipe for a salad, and suggestions for cooking the squash. As soon as I got off I couldn’t remember which ingredients went with which recipe.
Time for some Pinterest research, or if any of you have recipe suggestions for any of those ingredients, please email them to me! After all, Use Whatcha Got means ya gotta use whatcha got! That’s what it’s all about. (clap, clap)
Sometimes in life we are introduced to new, never before seen ingredients. Or challenges. Or trials or paths. Some people are comfortable with experimenting and trying out the new or finding new ways to get places (Darrin). Others, like me, stick with the known, the tried and true. New ingredients, new routes, and never before evokes stress for me.
But earlier this week I pushed past the stress and googled fresh fennel. The result yielded a pleasant surprise, to my surprise. I baked a chicken with fresh fennel, shallots and apple slices. My taste buds were happy with the outcome. I explored something new.
I’m glad I did.
In the same way our palate can expand through sampling different flavors and textures, our capacity in life expands when we enter into the new and unknown. Whether a new job, a physical move, new life stage, new opportunity, new trial or new relationship, all these events shape, stretch and mold us.
The latest new place I’m entering is the world of editing. I’m challenged, overwhelmed and feel in over my head. But I’m pushing past my fears, leaning in, trusting God as I walk this never before trodden path.
How about you?
Are you comfortable with trying new things or do you stick to the tried and true?
What kind of challenges are you currently facing?