As Each Day Requires
(I’m trying to take the pockets of time that open up during my days/weeks to work on another sample chapter to send to the editor, so I’m posting something I wrote for our epic staff during radiation treatment the fall of ’09.)
Okay, so I’m sitting here pretending that we are sitting in a fun coffee shop catching up and I’m hearing the scoop about all the important relationships in your life (of course) and all the things the Lord is doing in you and through you. And then you ask me, “So, Viv, how are you? What has the Lord been teaching you lately?”
Well, to start with, I am currently undergoing radiation treatment. It’s a total of 33 treatments everyday Monday through Friday. I’m feeling tired and weary, but so far it’s much better than chemo. Anything is better than chemo. My hair is coming in and I’m just about to start using mascara again, which, in case you are not a female, is a BIG deal. Hooray! Celebrations! At this point I’d take off my hat to show you my jet black baby soft hair and even let you feel it.
Now I’m picturing taking another sip of coffee which, if you looked at it, is really 1/3 half and half, 1/3 sugar and 1/3 coffee. I pull out my little black NASB Bible (Darrin reads NIV–we have a mixed marriage) and turn to 1 Kings 8 where I’ve been camped out lately. It’s easier to share something fresh from a couple of days ago. This chapter contains Solomon’s prayer of dedication of the temple which he prays on his knees with his hands spread toward heaven (v. 54)—what a great posture of humility and dependence as a leader. It is followed by Solomon’s blessing of the assembly of Israel.
“ … that He may maintain the cause of His servant and the cause of His people Israel, as each day requires, so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God; there is no one else. Let your heart therefore be wholly devoted to the LORD our God…” (1 Kings 8:59-61)
My take-aways from this little chunk for me and for you are:
- “As each day requires” reminds me that God’s mercies, blessings, strength, comfort, kick in the butt (in the best way), is perfectly portioned for each day just like manna. No more, no less. It requires faith to rest in and not run ahead or try to “store up.”
- Our life of dependence on the Lord causes all the peoples of the earth to take notice. Huge ripple effect. Your life and my life matter.
- Quick check: is my heart wholly devoted to the LORD or is it devoted to ministry, keeping up appearances, busyness, trying to avoid conflict, pleasing people (feel free to add your own challenges).
I have missed real coffee-catch-up time with you this year. “Thank you” does not express adequately how grateful we are for your prayers and love throughout this cancer journey. Thanks for the opportunity to share.