Saying Yes
Here we are nearing the end of another month. The days seem to blur together, and most days I don’t know what day of the week or month we are in. The whole Tiger King Netflix trend (which I didn’t watch) seems like so long ago now. None of us ever envisioned 2020 to look anything like what we are currently experiencing. COVID19 and a worldwide pandemic, ongoing racial injustice and protests, an election year, decisions about schooling, wearing or not wearing masks, sheltering in place, and the list goes on.
One of the many losses I grieve is the opportunity to travel and teach. I was originally scheduled for seven speaking events that all got canceled due to the pandemic. Still waiting to hear on the events scheduled this fall, but it’s currently not looking very promising. I think we have all learned and overused the word “pivot” more than we care to admit. Part of my pivot has been saying YES to invitations that are taped on my phone or over Zoom. Some fun an unexpected YESES include sharing a video over on YouVersion Bible app verse of the day. It will go live this Wednesday the 22nd.
Another YES is speaking at IF:Lead2020. Would love to hear if you will be tuning in. I’m teaching about Building Community for one of the breakout sessions.
Registration starts at $29 for this one day event!!
What I realize as I reflect on the past weeks and months, is our YES to God makes room for Him to work in us and through us. Sometimes our YES is permission for God to work on surfacing and dealing with internal issues, sometimes it involves taking steps of faith, sometimes it is being willing to do something you don’t want to, or try something brand new. I’ll share more in the coming months of other opportunities. I’d love to hear about the current YESES in your life.