

Guest Post At Propel Women: Wisdom for Measuring Our Worth

Recently, while speaking at a large women’s conference made up of leaders from 49 states and five countries, I experienced an awkward range of emotions. I felt humbled to have the privilege and opportunity to influence and address leaders composed of women from all walks of life, representing different churches from all around the country. I felt hope for the future as I thought of women discipling and investing into other women and living surrendered to our King, and I felt deep joy seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I also felt out of placeinadequate, and insecure

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Seek First IF:Equip Study

A dream come true. I told my husband, Darrin, “I think I can die now. This is the most significant contribution I could make in the area of discipleship.”

For over three decades I've taught a bible study I learned while a student at the University of Colorado on the basics of faith based out of 1 John. An actual TYPEWRITER was used to first capture these truths.

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More Than Mom Free Virtual Summit

The More than Mom Summit: How to Let Go of Mom Guilt, Take Care of Yourself, and Rediscover You, is a community of moms who are sharing their knowledge about letting go of mom guilt, finding the space to practice self-care, and acknowledge our deep desires that say we are created for more.  I am so excited to be a part of this interview series, and the community of over 20 women (including Leeana Tankersley, Jill Savage, Suzi Whitford, Jenny Layton, and Ashley Willis, just to name a few), to share with you what we’ve learned through our journeys of motherhood.

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