


An Act of Worship


The book proposal about my cancer journey is finished. Two query letters were sent out to potential literary agents yesterday. I am currently researching some of the literary agencies that represent Redbudauthors. What an incredible blessing to have the support, prayers and help from this amazing writing cohort. But I have to be honest–the whole process overwhelms me. I look through the websites and read the bios about different agents and the authors they represent and this heavy sigh comes out from the deepest place in me. That familiar feeling of inadequacy, of not being _______ enough, of being way in over my head. Part of me wants to fall into a hole and just take a long nap.

But on the phone today, during the pause before a connecting flight to his ministry meetings this week, Darrin shared wise words that brought perspective and hope.

“We don’t have control over how the Lord blesses or gifts us. We are stewards of what He shows us to do and to be. This (the writing) for you is an act of worship.”

An act of worship. That changes everything. It alleviates the pressure of having to “make it happen” or control the outcome of this whole crazy adventure. Darrin encouraged me to just write. Where God takes this whole book thing is completely in His hands. When I first started blogging during cancer treatment, every entry felt like an act of worship. I wrote from my heart and there was no striving. No proof reading. It was holy ground. I have much to learn about the nuts and bolts of writing and trust that those things will come as I continue writing, but more important is the posture of my heart.

This act of worship spills over into every area of life. In the mountains of unending laundry, the helping with homework, walking the dog, conversations with the neighbor, the everything of the everyday. Stewarding well our lives, our experiences, our relationships, our stuff, is a form of worship.

Please join me in praying that with each step I would hold in my heart and keep front and center writing, querying, proposal submitting, learning the publishing world, all of it is an act of worship.

May He be lifted high.