


Reflecting back on 2011


Our family has spent the past week reflecting after dinner about this past calendar year. We took time on our own each morning to think through a specific question, recorded our answers in our journals/notebooks and then shared what we wrote with each other around the dinner table.

  • Tuesday we shared our highs and lows from 2011.
  • Wednesday we shared blessings from the year.
  • Thursday we shared memorable times.
  • Today we will share about what we hope we will change or do differently in 2012.

I’ve enjoyed hearing all the responses and reminders of things God did this past year. Marvelling, too, that we are in a season of life now as a family where everyone knows how to read and write. And everyone can mostly sit still and have a somewhat in-depth conversation. 

This year has been filled with grief, joy, unexpected blessing, disappointments, milestones, challenges, guests, and overall gratitude. One area I feel a tremendous amount of gratitude in is this whole writing adventure. I am grateful for Helen Lee, author of “The Missional Mom,” and one of the Redbud founders. She encouraged me to apply to join the Redbud Writers Guild. I’m grateful for the help and encouragement from these amazing, generous and talented women. And I am grateful for you. Thank you for reading these posts, sharing these posts and for your encouragement and shout outs in the book writing department.

Today while working on my talks I’ll be giving at the Epic East Coast conference next month, I was contacted by an editor from a publishing house to see if I would be interested in submitting my book proposal to them! I was shocked. Encouraged. And yes, very interested!

I heard back from one of the three agents I wrote. He liked my proposal but his company is busy with new projects the first part of this coming year. He mentioned submitting again this summer if I still was still looking for an agent. I’m still waiting to hear back from the other two agents. These little glimpses of interest have been encouraging. Still find myself in that place where I don’t even know what I don’t know. So please pray for me if God brings me to mind.

I’d love your feedback, too, if there were posts you particularly enjoyed or areas you’d like me to continue blogging about. Feel free to leave a comment or message me.

Happy New Year!!