


Dreaming for a Brighter Future

Someday Is Here Live Event February 2020

Someday Is Here Live Event | February 22, 2020

This calendar year looks nothing like any of us planned. And as we round the corner and look to a new year, Iā€™m reminded of arguably the biggest highlight for me this past year (see photo). Right before COVID hit, 180 of us gathered in Southern California for the first Someday Is Here Live Event.

The vision for helping to raise up the next generation of AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) women burns deep in my soul. As the months have passed since the live event, our dreams of using the podcast has expanded to include even greater plans and hopes for the coming year.

Someday Is Here continues to grow as an intergenerational community of AAPI women from various ethnic backgrounds from all over the country. We exist as a place to explore and grow in voice, identity, faith, and leadership. Not only is this a space for AAPI women, the podcast has served to help educate and inform others who want to learn about AAPI culture, history, and expression.

We are just getting started. We need your help. Would you consider linking arms with us and giving towards this vision? You can donate by clicking HERE.

Thank you for your consideration. The future is bright.

With love,

Viv and the SIH team

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